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Child Care Provider Resource Hub | Training, Tools & Support | PRO

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Provider Resource List

Who Are You Going to Call?


Information on which agency to call and what services they provide.


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Link to DELC for all licensing information, forms, CBR, technical assistance information and Spark

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Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) agencies offer free support services-technical assistance, information, resources and low to no cost training designed to promote your success in providing a high-quality program for the children in
your care. 

Download this handout for your local R&R info

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The Oregon Child Care Alliance provides no cost business support and training, tax help and free online tools to manage your business. Child care programs are paired with a business coach who helps with your business needs and provides business training.

Contact OCCA to see if there is a network in your area.

Great resources for you all child care needs

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Where to go for ORO, on-line trainings, Professional Development steps, Scholarship money and more.

Link to OCCD


The Oregon Registry Online (ORO) is a database that stores training and education for Oregon’s childhood care professionals. ORO helps you meet system requirements such as DELC licensing needs and DHS Enhanced Rate Program eligibility. You may also use ORO to produce an official record of your training and education, called a Professional Development Statement.

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Union for Child Care that provides services for its members including free training, scholarship funds and a Provider Bill of Rights.  For more information on the advantages of becoming a Union member contact Member Services Center  or call

1-844-758-6466 or 

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Professional Organization providing member support and training. Check here for Professional development opportunities including Mind in the Making, Building a Business and Set 3 training cohorts.

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Spark is Oregon’s Quality Recognition and Improvement System (QRIS). It is a voluntary program designed to support and recognize high quality early childhood care and education programs.

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EXCELLENT resource for all your business needs including ASK an Expert, Business coaching, forms, extensive tax information for child care and more.​

Civitas Strategies now runs Tom Copeland's Taking Care of Business Blog

The OppEx Financial Management Toolkits 


  • Comprehensive budget templates for all modalities of care that include sheets to calculate child tuition data, assistant-teacher data, monthly forecasting, profit & loss and time-space percentage  are included in the child care toolkits and can be downloaded from Opportunities Exchange.

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This is a valuable resources  for helping with business needs. While they are not geared to child care, some local SBDC's have partnerships with area CCR&Rs and may know more about the business needs of early learning and care programs. 

Small Business Development Centers

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